Fake kNOw More

Disinformation is an important topic in today’s world affecting not only adults, but also children and young people. In the Fake kNOw more program, we focus on developing young people’s self-awareness as a basis for building resistance to disinformation. We show how emotions and personal experiences affect the reception of information reaching us. We run the program internationally, and our materials are also promoted in partner countries: Spain, Romania and the Czech Republic.

What do we offer in the program?

The teaching bases of our project are:

  • The publication „Understand Emotions. Become Resilient to Disinformation” containing lesson plans and introductory materials for educators. They show the various psychological mechanisms that are triggered in us when we come into contact with false information, as well as tips for protecting ourselves from it. The focal point of each scenario is self-reflection – looking at yourself and your reactions.
  • The educational game „Octogram”, which shows in a simple yet attractive way the mechanisms that govern social media and allows, through gamification, to engage children and young people in a conversation about their presence on social media.
  • Video materials to support conducting activities with young people.

The materials are created for children and youth aged 10-15 attending day-support centers, youth sociotherapy centers, as well as schools and other educational institutions.

What will you learn from the program?

  • how to increase children and young people’s self-awareness in the area of emotions – how to recognise them, talk about them and how they affect our reactions
  • how to develop critical thinking skills in young people
  • how to use the social media in an aware and attentive way
  • how emotions affect susceptibility to disinformation
  • what cognitive biases and fast and slow thinking are
  • how social media affects well-being and mindfulness
  • how social media algorithms work

The project is led by the School with Class Foundation in collaboration with the Demagog Association (Poland), Fakescape (Czech Republic), Smilemundo (Spain) and Adfaber (Romania) with the support of EMIF managed by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.