We believe schools are one of the key players in supporting childrens’ well being and preventing mental health problems. Our programs help school communities become safe and open environments.
School with Class is a comprehensive school development program which helps schools address the most pressing societal issues, currently focusing on building resilience of children and youth. The program additionally supports teachers and directors through on-site training and ready-to-use materials with specific strategies to be applied in the classroom.
The project focuses on implementing mindfulness in everyday school practice. The aim of the project is to provide teachers with skills and competences to practice mindfulness in their everyday lives. That is the first step, and in the second they are able to use mindfulness in school activities to support their students to be more mindful and, in consequence, to be healthier and happier. The project focuses on everyday small practices (drops) that allow us to concentrate, reduce stress and anxiety, and ensure balance.
is a project carried out in cooperation with the Association of Friends of the Polish School in Reykjavik, Iceland. We are creating a pedagogical innovation to raise awareness of the schools role in strengthening students mental health. We support teachers, educators, principals, and preventionists. Furthermore, we show how to understand mental wellbeing in the school context (knowledge component), how to implement specific strategies (methodological component), create teaching aids and materials for working with students (practical component) and show how teachers really work with them (inspirational component).
PE with Class helps to increase the young people’s physical activity and encourages them to lead a healthier lifestyle. It supports physical education teachers and inspires them to conduct attractive and innovative PE lessons. Over 3000 schools took part in the program, 10000 teachers and 400000 students from all over Poland.