Our mission

The School with Class Foundation is an expert, non-profit organization, based in Warsaw, Poland. It was founded in October 2015 as a spin-off of the biggest and one of the most successful educational programs in Poland run since 2002.

Innovation in education

In the School with Class Foundation we believe that the world of tomorrow depends on the education of today. Our mission is to provide every young person with positive and meaningful educational experiences that will help become an active, conscious and responsible citizen of the world.

To achieve this mission we work with schools and educational institutions in Poland and abroad, helping them to become innovative, friendly and open environments, engaged in solving social problems, enhancing diversity, with relations based on mutual trust and respect.

Transforming education

We focus on teachers, educators and headmasters as key actors of change. We support them in their professional development, implementing engaging teaching methods and tools. We focus, among others, on flipped lessons, peer-teaching, inquiry based learning, design thinking, problem and project-based learning, agile and scrum – and introduce them to schools to support students’ innovation and independence. 

Our knowledge, competencies, resources and experienced staff enable us to have an insight of the needs of young people in their everyday school and outside-school environment.

Statutory goals of the School with Class Foundation

Our Impact

In Poland

Each year we support and train directly over 2000 schools, 10 000 teachers and over 50 000 students. Our online events, conferences and webinars reach over 100 000 people.







Our team is composed of 30 full time employees, over 120 trainers and experts. Our flagship year-long program „School with Class” has reached since 2002 over 9500 schools, 150 000 teachers and over a two millions students.


We collaborate with over 90 different organizations, companies and institutions in 20 different European countries. Thanks to the engagement of our partners our programs reach over 500 000 people across CEE every year.